Or Kleinodienbuch der Herzogin Anna von Bayern the entire book can be seen at die Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek web site. After a bit of fumbling around I was able to navigate the site pretty well. The jewel book is a visual record of the personal collection Duchess Anna and Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria. The hand painted manuscript by the German master Hans Mielich displays more than one hundred gouache drawings of jewellery, belonging to Duchess Anna and the Duke.
In 1541 Mielich travelled to Rome on a commission from Duke William IV of Bavaria (Albert’s father). He stayed there until 1543, From 1545 onwards Duke Albert V of Bavaria helped him obtain commissions one of which was this extraordinary manuscript. His signature can be found on the first plate which is a portrait of the Duke and Duchess It took Mielich two years to execute the drawings and the book was completed in 1555. You can see the silver guilt used to highlight pearls has tanished and that the style for rendering diamonds was to paint them in shades of black which looked most similar to the old style table cut diamonds.