Rooms full of boxes of vintage jewelry components and as you can see in my pictures loads and loads of stuff. below is a list of just some of the items at CJS…
rhinestones, cameos, beads, stones, findings, filigree, wood, plastic beads (Lucite and Bakelite),Venetian one hole beads, cabs, buttons, chain, Swarovski, buttons, metal, clasps, and they specialize in liquidating vintage items and components there is also finished vintage jewelry and accessories from the 60’s-early 90’s, headbands, hemp, piece jewelry, rings, belts, cuff links, as well as rhinestone accessories.
It is a warehouse and unless you know what you are looking at it can be very overwhelming – but if you are an experienced buyer and willing to dig and get dirty you will be in heaven! Wholesale only (no retail customers).